How Much Should You Have Saved? There is no set amount of money everybody should be saving each week, month or even year. It completely depends on everybody's individual income and lifestyle. Although, we can advise that you could have a specific amount saved/ put away
Everything You Need To Know About An Emergency Fund
Everything You Need To Know About An Emergency Fund Life is full of uncertainty and you never really know what is around the corner. Therefore, having an emergency fund is an essential aspect of your finances. Despite being such an important factor in everyday life, not
How Do Brits Spend Their Money?
How Do Brits Spend Their Money? According to the 2018/19 Survey from the Office of National Statistics, the average UK household spends £585.60 per week which is to cover all of the living expenses that we need in daily life. But, what exactly are Brits spending that
What you need to know about the new lockdown measures
What you need to know about the new lockdown measures From Saturday (4th of July) onwards, the lockdown rules are changing even more. But, are you up to date with what is going on? Although the lockdown rules are being eased, the rules do not apply to everywhere in the
How To Make The Most Of Summer In The UK
How To Make The Most Of Summer In The UK Despite some countries allowing UK citizens into their borders, millions of people will still choose to stay put. Whether it be to do with the price, the short notice or just the risk overall, making the most of the summer in
A Parent’s Guide To Pocket Money
Pocket Money Pocket money is a personal preference that should be set by the parents themselves. But, that does not mean that all parents know exactly how much they should be giving their children. Therefore, we have put together a guide to ensure that parents can
How To Save Money On Your Weekly Shopping Trip
How To Save Money On Your Weekly Shopping Trip With the rising food prices in 2020, you may find your shopping trip is a little more expensive than usual. Despite that, most of us are guilty of overspending and overbuying when we go to the supermarket. So here are five
Half-Term During Lockdown – 5 Ways to keep the Kids Entertained
Half-Term During Lockdown – 5 Ways to Keep the Kids Entertained With lockdown testing even the most patient parent we are now having to deal with half-term holidays. For those struggling with homeschooling, it may come as a welcome break from the stresses of
Borrowing Money During the Pandemic
Borrowing Money During the Pandemic There’s no doubt that these are financially uncertain times for many of us. Whether you have been furloughed, are working from home or, have unfortunately lost your job. We all feel stressed and concerned about our financial
Homeschooling During a Pandemic
Lockdown will go down as perhaps one of the strangest periods in recent human history. There are several reasons for this – social distancing, the PM actually getting COVID-19, some very odd home-made facemasks? However, for one generation it will be the moment