Payday loans are getting more popular by the day, here's our top 5 facts about payday loans. A payday loan is a loan taken out from a lender and paid back on your next payday. Over the years the industry has received bad publicity due to its high-interest rates, however
Eat Better On A Budget
Eat Better On A Budget We all go through phases of wanting to improve our lifestyles and begin implementing healthier choices into our lives. This could be through exercise, food, or even mindfulness. But, a lot of the time, there are many reasons why people go against
Money Milestones To Hit Before You’re 30
Money Milestones To Hit Before You're 30 Everybody works at their own pace in everything they do, leading to people achieving their individual goals at different times. Therefore, there is no specific pressure on the idea of meeting milestones by a specific age. However
How To Break A Shopping Addiction
How To Break A Shopping Addiction We all go through stages of developing the urge to purchase more than we usually would. Having the desire to buy something you like the look of is extremely common, and sometimes you might treat yourself by going through with the
What To Do If You’ve Been Rejected From A Payday Loan
What To Do If You've Been Rejected From A Payday Loan We understand that having your payday loan application rejected isn't ideal, especially if you're borrowing for any kind of emergency. However, unfortunately, there isn't much you can do about it at that exact moment
The Benefits of a Short Term Loan
The Benefits of a Short Term Loan Our finances are a difficult topic to handle, to budget and to talk about. It doesn't matter if you're great at handling your money or you're slightly on the opposite side with your management skills, either way, financial conversations
How Can Payday Loans Impact Your Credit Score?
How Can Payday Loans Impact Your Credit Score? Payday loans provide a quick and easy solution to any financial emergency you're faced with. Consequently, offering a short term answer to your current problems. However, despite sounding ideal and being handy, they can
Why Was My Loan Application Rejected?
Why Was My Loan Application Rejected? There are many reasons your loan application could have been rejected. Many people believe that a bad credit score is the main factor, however, this isn't always the case. We understand that being turned down can be very frustrating
Who Can See Your Credit Score?
Who Can See Your Credit Score? Some people believe that your credit score is completely private, whereas others think that anybody has access. Therefore, gaining an understanding is crucial in order to find all of the correct information and move you in the right
How To Manage Your Money Like A Millionaire
How To Manage Your Money Like A Millionaire To the surprise of some, millionaires actually manage their money completely differently from the rest of us. There are multiple tips and tricks which they have learnt throughout their financial paths that you may have never