What Is A Soft Credit Check? One of the first steps a lender takes when reviewing your application is to analyse your credit history. Checking your financial profile and getting a rough idea of how you manage your money when you request a payday loan is something
How Could A Short Term Loan Help You in 2023?
How Could A Short Term Loan Help You in 2023? Following the rising costs of inflation and energy bills, 2022 posed numerous financial challenges for millions of households across the United Kingdom. In fact, according to research, the average UK total debt per household
Is It Better To Use A Direct Lender Or A Broker?
Is It Better To Use A Direct Lender Or A Broker? The world of lending can be an extremely confusing place, especially if you don't know where to start, what you're looking for, or even where to find it. Thankfully, due to all of the technological advances within the
Why Has My Loan Application Been Declined?
Why Has My Loan Application Been Declined? When you're in desperate need of some sort of loan, the last thing you want is for your application to be declined. But, unfortunately, this happens, and it happens a lot, in some cases, more people are rejected than accepted.
Coping With Unexpected Bills…
Coping With Unexpected Bills... Being hit with any kind of unexpected bills or debts can be very stressful, especially if you have no plan or route to follow. Unfortunately, unless you have prepared and previously made an effort to consider the chance of unexpected
Common Loan Myths
Common Loan Myths Common loan myths can prevent a lot of people from borrowing a loan, especially when they might actually need one. The majority of information you may read online and in the media is not always real and truthful. So, if you are unsure you should always
Borrowing Money During the Pandemic
Borrowing Money During the Pandemic There’s no doubt that these are financially uncertain times for many of us. Whether you have been furloughed, are working from home or, have unfortunately lost your job. We all feel stressed and concerned about our financial
3 Ways to Identify a Reliable Payday Loan Lender
3 Ways to Identify a Reliable Payday Loan Lender Knowing who you’re dealing with when borrowing a loan payday loan lender is crucial. When dealing with money reliability is always necessary so you have that peace of mind you need. Especially since fraud is running
How Do I Know if I Need a Short Term Loan?
How Do I Know if I Need a Short Term Loan? You may be indecisive about getting a short term loan to sort your funds out ‘til payday. It’s important that you are sure about getting the loan before you apply for it. If you need a short term loan, it is necessary that
What to Do If Your Cannot Repay Your Loan
What to Do If You Cannot Repay Your Loan Back on Time Taking on loans can often be a stressful experience, especially if unforeseen circumstances mean that you are unable to repay your loan back. The key to any loan is to make sure you can pay them back before you take